I’m happy to shine the spotlight on 11 women who inspire me
daily and truly demonstrate what it means to be Audacious. They
show us what it looks like as humans, leaders, business women and
1 an audacious remark: impudent, impertinent,
insolent, presumptuous, cheeky, irreverent,
discourteous, disrespectful, insubordinate, ill-mannered,
unmannerly, rude, brazen, shameless, pert, defiant, cocky, bold (as
brass); informal fresh, lippy, mouthy, saucy, sassy, nervy, ballsy;
archaic contumelious. ANTONYMS polite.
2 his audacious exploits: bold, daring, fearless,
intrepid, brave, courageous, valiant,
heroic, plucky; daredevil, devil-may-care, reckless, madcap;
venturesome, mettlesome; informal gutsy, gutty, spunky, ballsy,
skookum; literary temerarious. ANTONYMS timid.
Katie Krimitsos - Biz Women Rock Podcast &
Karen Osburn - Women Wanting More
Danielle Ford - Leading Las Vegas
Lori Mercer - How She Quits and Wins
Sunny Lenarduzzi - YouTube Guru & The Sunny Show
Phoebe Mroczek - The Unbecoming Podcast
Sarah Tugender